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Product details

Super Skunk ~ cannabis light

4.67 out of 5


  • Variety: Super Skunk;
  • Quality: Indoor.

Super Skunk cannabis light is a strain that stands out for its emerald green color and its unmistakable orange pistils. This variety will appeal to lovers of the original Dutch skunk, whose peculiarity is a unique and pungent aroma.

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Super Skunk cannabis light

The peculiarity of Super Skunk derives from the union of the Skunk # 1 variety with the Afghani variety, a union already tested in the 80s. It is most famous for the benefits it offers in cases of stress, chronic pain, nausea, loss of appetite and insomnia. So, The relaxation effect comes from its composition, which is mainly indica (80%) and a minor part of sativa (20%). The indica variety has, among its properties, the ability to relax body and mind, providing a state of well-being. The legal Super Skunk is one of the first types of light cannabis to be marketed.

How Super Skunk growing works

However, The Super Skunk variety is famous for its extremely fast growing time, as well as being particularly resistant to disease and infestation. Howver, The plants develop strong and with leaves typical of hybrid varieties. The ease of growing Super Skunk makes her a particularly popular strain among growers.

When grown outdoors, the plant is harvested in the fall months of September and October, after only 7-8 weeks for flowering. The plants generally all grow the same size and this favors the subsequent harvest. Otherwise, the flowering time indoors takes up to 10 weeks, ensuring average plant growth. Once the flower appears, the plant grows very quickly and the buds take on their characteristic bright green color.

So, Our Super Skunk plants are grown indoors according to the organic method, without chemical fertilizers or pesticides to obtain the highest possible quality for each single bud.

Effects and fragrance of Super Skunk

Super Skunk has an intense aroma, perfect for lovers of strong flavors. Its notes are earthy but also spicy, typical of the variety. However, the potency of the Skunk fragrance is tempered by the Afghan component that makes it spicy. In the seasoned buds you can perceive flavors tending towards citrus, fruity and sweet.

As for the effects of Super Skunk, we have already mentioned that it mainly has properties that can fight anxiety and stress. Some researches guarantee its effectiveness on pains of different entities, even chronic ones. Thanks to its properties it is able to fight depression, nausea, lack of appetite and even insomnia, all problems that are particularly common today.

Therefore, The indica part is responsible for the relaxation effect, while the sativa has the ability to induce a sense of well-being and even euphoria. Its qualities make it perfect for fighting difficulties and relieving tensions that arise during daily life.

More curiosities about Super Skunk

A real curiosity is the one related to its name. In fact, “Skunk” means “skunk” and was chosen precisely for the particularly strong and pungent smell that characterizes it.

The birth of Super Skunk comes from the initial union of strains not only from Afghanistan, but also from Mexico and Colombia, two varieties of marijuana imported into the United States since the 1970s. Since the 1990s the variety has been officially launched and has grown in popularity ever since. “The Skunkman” was the person who went from the States to Amsterdam in 83, bringing with him the hybrid given by the union of Skunk # 1, Afghani and the Mexican and Colombian varieties.

Finally, her quality is attested by the fact that she entered the Cannabis Cup by winning the Mostly Indica and the amazing aspect is that she won it right after it was launched on the market.

Product sold for technical use or as a fragrance for environments, not suitable for human consumption. Diluxefarm ® assumes no responsibility for improper use of the product.

Additional information


500grams, 1kg, 2kg, 4kg